Friday, January 18, 2013

It's hard work being a CEO...

Recently I became the CEO of a highly recognizable company – The Household.   There were several disgruntled employees (dust bunnies, coffee stains, empty refrigerator, hungry husband), but ultimately they gave in and emphatically brought me on board and welcomed me in to my new position.  This was just a mere few weeks ago and already I feel as though the changes I’ve made have been for the best (not to mention long overdue). 

In my first week, I knew I would be faced with the inevitable- letting go of things that have been a staple of The Household.  This task was of course, quite daunting, and left me with extreme anxiety as I began my job.  Shortly after starting, I pulled out the broom and began sweeping up the mess that had been left for too long.  The dust bunnies were the first to go and didn’t even put up a fight.  They knew their time here was over.  The coffee stains had other plans and proved to be quite resistant.  It was a struggle for power, but I eventually won.  The empty refrigerator was replaced with the help of some much needed resources (which I’ll happily share, soon) and I’m proud to say that business here at The Household is off to a great start in the new year. 

Below you’ll find a list of a few of those changes that deserved immediate attention as well as the solution that has made a positive difference.  My hope, is that as CEO’s of your own companies such Home.Is.Where.The.Mess.Is and Cottage.Gone.Crazy, you’ll find some peace in knowing these resources exist and won’t put a dent in your budget!


Problem One:  Empty Refrigerator

Visit this online recipe box and you’ll be ready to fill your fridge and your bellies with easy, no nonsense, healthy choices to those every day classics you forgot existed.  Yes, your meal can look like this:
And it IS as good as it looks!
Don’t forget to head on over to the planning department for my favorite meal planner forms to help you with your shopping.  This will save you time and money when walking the aisles of your grocery store.  My tip, plan meals that involve some of the same ingredients over a two week period; one trip to the store and you’re done.  If you’re a CEO of a larger company than mine, you might prefer this.  If you’re lucky enough to have “assistants”, take a moment to look here before embarking on your next trip (the former teacher in me would appreciate you making it a “teachable moment”).


Problem Two: Overworked Employees

Right in line with the Empty Refrigerator issue, I found that my one and only employee was working two jobs, with very little to show for it.  I brainstormed and immediately thought of Thankful Thursdays.  Each Thursday I make a different sweet treat for him to share with his boss (GREAT option) or take to his other job.  I’ll start sharing my Thankful Thursdays in the future, but for now, enjoy this little sweet treat recipe from Kacie’s Cupcakes (my “other” job).
Triple Chocolate Peanut Butter Surprise

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 20 Minutes

Level: Easy

Serves: 16-18 Cupcakes



1 box of triple chocolate cake mix (Ghiradelli)

**Whatever else is necessary to complete the box recipe**

1 box of instant fudge pudding (surprise!)

1 bag of Peanut Butter Cups

1 bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter Chips

Jiffy’s Peanut Butter (or whatever you prefer, those this is the BEST for icing)

1 bag of powdered sugar

½ lb unsalted butter at room temperature (or ½ cup Crisco for that crisp icing)

1 teaspoon vanilla (more to taste if necessary)



1.     Prepare cake mix as directed on box.  Add ½ the dry pudding mix.  Pour in to cupcake molds (I always spray mine and try not to use liners unless making them for others. I spray my liners, too). 

2.    Unwrap the PB Cups. Push the PB Cups upside down in the middle of each cupcake so that they are flush with the top of the mix.

3.    Bake as directed.  NOTE:  You can NOT put a toothpick through these so always check your cakes starting at 5 minutes before the buzzer is set to expire.  Check often so they don’t burn.

4.    Eat extra PB Cups (check for quality control, of course!)

5.    Let cool for 5 minutes in tin, then transfer to wire rack.  Let cool completely.

6.    Prepare Icing:

a.     Sadly, I don’t have an exact measurement, as I like to just continuously taste until I think it is perfect.  But, start with:

·   1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and ¼ cup of softened butter.

·   Beat butter and peanut butter until creamy.

·   Slowly add the powdered sugar by ¼ cups.

·   Add vanilla.

·   Continue until you have reached your desired consistency and taste, alternating between the powdered sugar and peanut butter. Add more butter if you’d like it to be creamier. (I almost ALWAYS use an entire bag of powdered sugar-  ooops! )J

To Ice Cupcakes:  Place in Ziploc bag.  Cut one corner off to make a small triangle.  Squeeze gently and swirl as you go! Sprinkle PB chips on to! 


In a rush?!?!  Use a store brand container of icing, add peanut butter, whip and go! J


Problem Three: BORED CEO

Don’t let the day to day routines get you in a rut.  Remember, CEO’s take vacation days, too!  Get out and enjoy things (and the company of others) that make you happy.  I recommend at least once a week.  Gather with other CEOs and consider it a business meeting!
A small CEO meeting along the shores.  We were "planning" for sure!

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