Thursday, January 7, 2016

On your first birthday...

In a blink of an eye, you are one years old. I knew it would go by quickly, but I never anticipated it to go by this quickly. I could go down the rabbit hole of "where did the year go?" but I'll save you the trouble of reading that.

When we were first told that we were having a girl, I panicked. I was terrified. But now, one year later, I realize that I, above all else, am filled with hope for you. I hope for so much for you. So much, that I could never share it all.

But here's a start.

I hope that you never tire of us telling you we love you. And you never tire of saying it back.
I hope you always find comfort in my arms, no matter how big you are.
I hope you don't need to be the center of attention, but appreciate when you are.
I hope you laugh with such enthusiasm others around you can't help but smile.
I hope you jump in every puddle, every time.
I hope you never take advantage of others.
I hope you're scared of things, but have the ability and willingness to overcome them.
I hope you make friends easily.
I hope you don't sweat the small stuff.
I hope you travel the world, but always come home.
I hope you have your heart broken, so you can appreciate true love and its rarity.
I hope you like to dance, especially if you're not good at it.
I hope you don't become obsessed with Frozen.
I hope you always wear sunscreen.
I hope you like watching football, but prefer basketball.
I hope you appreciate classical music,
I hope you're warm and compassionate to all people (but never tolerate less than the same).
I hope your first job is humbling and your last job worthwhile.
I hope you try new foods with gusto.
I hope you enjoy the feeling of flying- in your father's arms, on a plane, and in love.
I hope you never bungee jump or skydive or do anything that involves risking your life.
I hope you disregard the above if it means following in your father's footsteps.
I hope you have a southern drawl.
I hope you have the confidence to walk proudly and embrace every part of you.
I hope you never speak ugly words.
I hope you walk with your eyes looking ahead.
I hope you never start biting your nails or dying your hair.
I hope you see the value in keeping in touch with old friends.
I hope you write thank you notes on real stationery.
I hope you seek adventure -- but not so much that I'm constantly worried.
I hope you like to cook.
I hope you love the beach as much as I do.
I hope you learn that people can let you down, but others will never let you fall.
I hope you have opinions.
I hope you vote.
I hope you understand the importance of choice in all things.
I hope you like pizza, hot peppers, and Ranch.
I hope you fight for what you want.
I hope you never stop asking questions.
I hope you follow your dreams, even if they aren't ours.
I hope you know how much we all love you and you never forget it. Ever.

I will do everything in my power to make all of these things possible for you... and then some.

I love you the most.


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