Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jingle Bells and RINGS!

Photo taken by Bethany of BethanyBelle Photography
The holidays are upon us which means one thing- ENGAGEMENTS!  And with engagements comes doe-eyed brides suddenly tasked with planning an event of such grand proportions that they find themselves asking, “What did I DO?”  And then…  they start pinning.

It wasn’t long ago that my love, down on one knee, asked me to share in his life.  The ring went on, calls were made, and I gleefully began planning.  All conversations transitioned to talks of linens, flowers, and cake.  I planned, (for over a year), drove my mom and friends crazy and nearly lost my mind over which shade of white the men’s shirts should be.  (Yes, there are various shades of white!)  Then the day came, the tornado warnings were announced, our photographer went to the wrong wedding, and our coordinator was nowhere to be found… and we were married.

 It’s been almost two years since we said, “I do” and he exclaimed “Gotcha!” I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on the months of planning that went in to that stormy day and here’s what I learned:

 At the end of the day, you are married before God, family, and friends.

And that is the only detail of the day that matters.
I know I can't keep you from planning, pinning, or dreaming, but I hope that as the stress builds and the temptation to lose your temper rises you will remember that.  May you be blessed with years of happiness, loves. 


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