Monday, November 19, 2012

Flying High

My husband is sweeter than honey - truly.  Each day my life with him is a blessing.  Most girls grow up imagining a life in which they marry their prince charming, few are so lucky.  Of those few, even fewer continue to find themselves being “swept off their feet”.   Since 2008, he’s done just that.  Recently, he literally swept me off my feet and had me “floating” on air.

Since arriving in southern California, I’ve made more than one comment on the hot air balloons I see taking off and how wonderful it would be to see both the coast and mountains from the sky at sunset.  We’d chat about it for a minute or two, but I never gave it another thought.  To me, it was like saying I wanted to visit Maine or own an Audi convertible.  Something I would like to do, but never expect to do.  My husband, always wanting to share new experiences with me, tucked my comments away.
Slightly excited about taking off!
Earlier this fall, he surprised me with an afternoon ride up the coast.  We arrived at a small store where I quickly learned we would be taking off after a champagne toast for a tour over the horse farms and orchards of SoCal.  It was an experience of a lifetime; one that will never be forgotten.

As we drifted over southern California’s coastline, I thought about how lucky I was to have him.  I looked at our life and thought… some people really do live happily ever after. 

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