Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Making Strides

The rain had come in the night before, leaving the ground with puddles; an unusual sight in southern California.  The air was crisp, the streets quiet, and the sun still waiting to rise offered a peaceful beginning to a Sunday morning.  I stood for a moment taking in the white tents and the people scurrying about with flashlights making last minute preparations.  Soon, the park would be painted pink as 25,000 people gathered to walk in honor of those they’ve lost and give hope to the ones still battling.  For some, they would walk for both. 

My team would soon be arriving with bellies full and loaded with caffeine, compliments of the P Family.  It made me grin, thinking of the accomplishments we had made as a team as I checked my phone one last time for our total.  With 12 members on our team, we had raised over $1,400; a significant donation in the fight against breast cancer. 

With blue ribbons, it was easy to spot our team taking cover under a tree as the rain began again.  With husbands, dogs, and tykes in tow, I tried not to cry.  Today was personal.  We were gathered as friends, new and old, to fight something each of us had been touched by in one way or another.  As they marched off to the starting line, I lingered for a moment.  I watched K’s son, bobbing on his dad’s shoulders, and I imagined him at my age and a world with no more breast cancer.  Crazy?  Perhaps.  Hopeful?  Absolutely. 

*This year I made a personal choice to fight breast cancer- for my family, my friends, and for my future.  This event would be the first of two I would participate in with the hope of bringing awareness to the community and raising funds for a cure.  I will be writing a piece on the second part of my journey at a later date.

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