Friday, January 25, 2013

A letter of thanks...


Dear Friends, Family, and Personal Cheerleaders,

This morning, I write each of you with an overwhelming sense of pride and honor (mixed with the sweetest tears of joy). Words could never begin to touch on the emotions I have as I move forward as the Military Spouse of the Year for our military installation. My hope is that within me, you will find a reflection of every spouse who humbly stands beside their Marine. This recognition is not meant for me alone, but is for each husband, wife, and significant other whose strength and sacrifice provides the love and support our service members need to do what they do best. Your devotion to the military and those that serve in its name is just as deserving as I. This is not a life you accept, it is one you live and love. It is not done alone, but alongside those you admire and recognize as “family”. Because of each of you, military and civilian, I stand here today, not surviving, but thriving, in this ever changing life. Thank you. I hope that as the year progresses I represent the compassion each of you has bestowed upon me in my life and with the kindness and humility that inspires others to do more, give more, and live more.

Over the next few weeks, I will begin preparing to face the next round of voting and hope that once again I can call on each of you for your support. I hope you find that after reviewing profiles of the other Marine Corps installation winners, that you will find I am the best representative and advocate for all Marine Corps spouses. And if you do, it would be my honor to have your vote on February 5th, 2013. Again, thank you for your continued support and encouragement.


With great respect and admiration,



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