Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Last week I wrote about my new job as the CEO of the Household.  I shared my concerns of overworked employees (my darlin’ husband) and how I vowed to purposely set time do something sweet in appreciation.   Tonight, as I await his arrival after another 12+ hour day, (and his permission to share in the sweets), I am beyond thankful.   So, without further ado…


Okay, okay… these are obviously not homemade.  But, sometimes even CEOs get busy and after submitting four research papers for grad school, cleaning the house for our east coast guest, and getting the grocery shopping done there just wasn’t time.  Though it would’ve been easy to just throw in the towel and save it for another day, I decided that a ten minute “break and bake” was much better than nothing at all.  After all, it’s the thought that counts. 


So, the next time you want to show your appreciation, take note.  You do not need to be a Pinterest Princess or spend hours on an elaborate treat.  Just whip up something quick, toss in a little love, and present it with a smile.  I can guarantee whomever you’re surprising will be touched nonetheless. 


Well, I hear a car door and these cookies are begging to disappear! J

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